Tuesday, May 20, 2014

She's baaaack

!Hola chicos!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am back in Barcelona!! In November I received an e-mail from my study abroad program asking alumni to consider applying for their "Best of the Best" internship opportunity. I jumped at the opportunity and submitted my video application within that week! I anxiously waited until January to hear that I was selected along with 4 other candidates to return to Barcelona as a "Best of the Best" (they like to call us the bob's). I'll be here for the majority of the summer working at BIC, where I originally studied abroad.

Apparently I'm featured in the SAE catalogue... 
In short, the internship entails a lot. Summer is our busiest time of year for study abroad and internships. The Bob's work for SAE while the other interns go through SAE to find outside internships. There will be about 200 students all coming through our programs at some point this summer. That being said, our job as interns is to help make the process less hectic. We each got assigned a coordinator -mine is obviously the academic coordinator since my major is education. From there, our coordinators assign us various jobs and projects that pertain to our areas of expertise. We often times help picking up the new students/ interns at the airport, showing them around the city and sitting in on their cultural excursions.

I arrived on Monday morning after a long day of travel. It took me 7 out of the 8 hours on the plane to find the headphone jack in my seat, therefore I tried to sleep most of the way. One of the other interns was actually sitting right in front of me on the plane! Before arriving here, I already knew 2 out of the 4 other interns because we studied abroad together. Once we arrived, we headed to our apartment. This time, I'll be sharing an apartment with the 4 other BOB's. I wish I was staying with Olga again; I miss her cooking.

 As a result, I went grocery shopping for the first time here -so difficult. It took us twice as long and since we shop like Americans there was no way we could carry it all on the metro, so we took a taxi home. We had to translate everything in the store, and I'm not sure if I bought dish soap or floor cleaner! But our apartment is beautiful and is perfect for our little group. It is weird living with boys though... cooties ;)

Roommate cheers with our beloved crappy beer
We've been so busy all week at work that we haven't had much time to ourselves. We generally work 8 hour days, but sometimes our schedules change due to student activities.

I haven't fully expressed how elated I am to be back in the city I love most. Although it will never be the same experience I had last time, I'm excited for a new adventure. I wish that my beautiful friends were all here with me though. I feel like I belong here, and it feels like I never left. It's sort of like coming home!

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